Appoint Your Enduring Power of Attorney Painlessly - Hire Trusted Lawyers

At some point in life, we face a situation in which we are not available to make financial decisions. This happens for many reasons, such as when you are overseas for a particular period of time or are simply too busy to handle your financial matters. However, in some cases, an accident is the cause when you are not able to make your own financial decisions. You should hire a trusted power of attorney lawyer in Wollongong to appoint a person who can make important financial decisions on your behalf.

· What is a Power of Attorney?

It is an authorised document that you create with the help of a specialised power of attorney lawyer Wollongong to appoint a person to act for you and make required financial decisions on your behalf. Ordinarily, an attorney can withdraw and deposit funds to your account, open and close bank accounts, pay your bills from your account on your behalf, purchase, sell, mortgage or lease your home, and arrange to insure your assets. An attorney needs to be more than 18 years old and is not entitled to make personal, health or lifestyle decisions for a person. You can choose a family member, a friend, or a solicitor appoint to act on your behalf and can choose how much and what powers you wish for them to have as your attorney.

An Enduring Power of Attorney is more common and continues to work even after you no longer have the capacity to make financial decisions. If you think that your medical, financial, and legal affairs are complicated and you’re planning to appoint a Power of Attorney, then you can contact Gamble Law & Estate Planning to get the help of a trustworthy lawyer. Gamble Law & Estate Planning is a family-oriented experienced law firm, and with the help of an expert power of attorney lawyer in Wollongong who understands your needs, you can be sure each case and circumstance is handled with attention and honesty.

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